It has been a very busy week here, my phone has been ringing off the hook, my other half A.K.A Admin, has been inundated with messages. Business is good, and this is what most self-employed people dream of, a busy period that doesn’t seem to end. My calendar is filling up fast, a good joinery friend who I sub contract for called, I couldn’t even spare time for him, he is having the same “issue/non-issue” so much work coming in he is having to turn it away.
Its also nice hearing of pervious customers, wanting more improvements to their homes, it is lovely to hear from new customers also, being recommended and learning all that advertising other half/Admin is paying off.
Other half/Admin has also had a busy week, not only with running our home, keeping our kids in one piece and volunteering, she has been preparing all my accounts for the end of year, it was refreshing to hear that my turn over has tripled! Not bad to say this is only our second financial year. I remember last year well, our profit less than £10,000, and then I was told by other sole traders and business owners, that this figure was great for our first year?! #Pardon? #IsthisaJOKE Apparently not, a staggering 80% of start-ups crash and burn in the first 18 months, that’s a scary figure.
I knew the 7 day weeks, usually 13 hours a day was worth it. I am looking into JH Joinery’s future and seeing an apprentice, maybe at the start of next year. Finally having the van sign written, that could even be this year. #Maybe. A second van? With a second joiner? Who knows. I can’t let the fact we’ve had a brilliant year go to my head, Admin keeps me on a level.
But now it is time for a well deserved break, a holiday. We are finally going away as a family, me having passed up on the last 2 trips away to work.
Scotland, with my two boys and the other half, even the pooch. Yes that is a dinosaur costume and no it wasn't my idea, I was just as sad as him.

I have been really looking forward to this, sitting back and relaxing in the afternoon, going for a walk on the beach and taking the boys swimming.
Pictures to follow…