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Beast From the East

Writer: John, of JH JoineryJohn, of JH Joinery

My first blog entry, seems as I'm stuck inside waiting for the Boiler Engineer #NotAllHErosWearCapes thanks to the weather! So thanks to a bit of training from the other half, I'm now doing something techie, so bare with me.

I had an emergency call out, most joiners don't get these, it's my first, and there's no way I could leave someone in this weather with a door that wouldn't close.

So I load up the van, it is bitterly cold, despite my 4 layers and 2 hats, off I go in my Transit van, heater on full, through the snow, doing a bit of sliding but I kept it under control, I did well considering I have only been driving a year., but think its more down to the fact its a #Transit

I arrive and fix the door within 5 seconds. I feel better knowing that's one less person with an issue in this weather. #Joiner Because Hero isn't an official job title

Set off home to get my feet warm and chill in front of the fire with the other half and kids, eating that nice hot tea the little chef has been planning.

What do I walk into?

My other half running around with towels and a bucket, catching water that proceeded to pour from the ceiling, its tripped the electrics. The Lads Screaming "Daddy it's raining inside!" as their mum tries to keep them from jumping in the ever growing puddle in our living room.

Has a pipe bust?

NO, oh no, due to it being -9 the pipe froze outside. While I was gone the oh so beautiful and talented other half started to defrost it, while doing so she turned on the taps in the bathroom sink, did she turn them off again? Well you can guess the answer.

So when the pipe was unfrozen, our sink filled up pretty quickly, and the made its way down stairs to out light and then congregated on the floor.

Thankfully it's all fixed now, but soon after the boiler stopped working. #BeastFromTheEast

For anyone having the same issues, it may be the condensate pipe freezing.

It's been a tough few days here,

but thanks to our boys who keep me laughing,

the other half who keeps me sane and well fed,

and a few 1.5kw heaters that keep my toes warm, it could have been worse.


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